viewhelpers.formview.create_update_view_mixin — Create and update view mixins

class CreateUpdateViewMixin

Bases: django_cradmin.viewhelpers.formview.previewmixin.PreviewMixin, django_cradmin.viewhelpers.formview.formviewmixin.FormViewMixin

Mixin class for Update and Create views.


You should import this class with from django_cradmin import viewhelpers, and refer to it using viewhelpers.formview.CreateUpdateViewMixin.

model = None

The model class.

fields = None

List of field names. See get_model_fields() and get_field_layout().

roleid_field = None

The field that should always be set to the current role. Removes the field from the form (see get_form()), and instead sets the value directly on the object in save_object().


Get the model class.

Defaults to model.


Get model fields. Defaults to fields.


If you set roleid_field, we will remove that field from the form.


The roleid_field handling also works for GenericForeignKey fields (removes the content type and object pk field from the form).


Get the verbose name of the model.


Must be called in get_context_data() in subclasses to add the required context data.

Parameters:context – The template context data.
set_automatic_attributes(obj, form)

Called by save_object() to set automatic attributes for the object before it is saved.

This is where we handle roleid_field, but you can override this to set your own automatic attributes. Just remember to call super if you want to keep the roleid_field magic.

  • obj – The object you are about to save.
  • form – The cleaned form.
save_object(form, commit=True)

Save the object. You can override this to customize how the form is turned into a saved object.

Make sure you call super if you override this (see the docs for the commit parameter). If you do not, you will loose the automatic handling of obj:.roleid_field.

Parameters:commit (boolean) – If this is False, the object is returned unsaved. Very useful when you want to manipulate the object before saving it in a subclass.
Returns:The saved object.

If the form is valid, save the associated model.


Called after the form has been successfully saved. The object is the saved object.

Does nothing by default, but you can override it if you need to do something extra post save.


Override this to provide a success message.

The obj is the saved object.

Used by add_success_messages().


Called after the form has been saved, and after form_saved() has been called.

The obj is the saved obj.

Defaults to add get_success_message() as a django messages success message if get_success_message() returns anything.

You can override this to add multiple messages or to show messages in some other way.


Seralize for preview.

Defaults to serializing the object as JSON using django.core.serializers. You can safely override this, but you will also have to override deserialize_preview().

classmethod deserialize_preview(serialized)

Deseralize a preview serialized with serialize_preview().

You must override this and serialize_preview() - they work together to send the preview to the preview View.

classmethod get_preview_sessionkey()

Get the session key used for preview. You should not need to override this.

Unlike the default implementation of this method from django_cradmin.viewhelpers.formbase.PreviewMixin, we use the model class module and name as the session key. This is simply because we do not want it to matter if you fetch preview data from create or update views for the same model (to simplify implementing preview views).