

The staticfiles path to the theme CSS. If this is not set, we use django_cradmin/dist/css/cradmin_theme_default/theme.css.


A dictionary mapping generalized icon names to css classes. It is used by the cradmin_icon template tag. If you do not set this, you will get font-awesome icons as defined in django_cradmin.css_icon_map.FONT_AWESOME.

See also

cradmin_icon_tags and issue 43.


The staticfiles path to the css icon library. Defaults to "django_cradmin/dist/vendor/fonts/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css".


If this is True, the menu template will add an angularjs directive that automatically scrolls the menu when the window is scrolled.


If this is True, we do not render the page header. This only affects views that use templates inheriting from the django_cradmin/standalone-base.django.html template. This means all the views in django_cradmin.viewhelpers, but not the login views, or other standalone (non-crapp.App views).


Enable CSS classes for unit tests? The CSS classes added using the django_cradmin.templatetags.cradmin_tags.cradmin_test_css_class() template tag is not included unless this is True. Should only be True when running automatic tests. Defaults to False.


The default header class rendered in the header block of the base template for all cradmin view templates (standalone-base-internal.django.html). If this is None, or not specified (the default), we do not render a header.

Must be the string path to a subclass of django_cradmin.crheader.AbstractHeaderRenderable.


The default expandable menu class rendered at the end of <body> by the base template for all cradmin view templates (standalone-base-internal.django.html). If this is None, or not specified (the default), we do not render an expandable menu.

Must be the string path to a subclass of django_cradmin.crmenu.AbstractMenuRenderable.


List of static components registered with the django_cradmin.javascriptregistry.registry.Registry singleton that should be available by default in all templates extending the standalone-base-internal.django.html template unless something else is specified by the view or cradmin instance.



Set this to False in production to disable validation of BEM blocks and elements. See django_cradmin.uicontainer.container.AbstractContainerRenderable.should_validate_bem(). for more details.


Set this to False in production to disable validation of DOM ids. See django_cradmin.uicontainer.container.AbstractContainerRenderable.should_validate_dom_id(). for more details.