####################################### Develop django_cradmin, or run the demo ####################################### To develop django-cradmin, or to run the demo, you will have to do the following. ****************** Clone the git repo ****************** You will find the URL on our github project page. ******************* Create a virtualenv ******************* :: $ mkvirtualenv -p /path/to/python3 django_cradmin ************************************ Install the development requirements ************************************ :: $ workon django_cradmin $ pip install -r requirements/python3.txt ************************ Create the demo database ************************ :: $ workon django_cradmin $ inv recreate_devdb ************************** Run the development server ************************** :: $ workon django_cradmin $ python manage.py runserver Open http://localhost:8000 and login with:: email: grandma@example.com password: test ************* Run the tests ************* :: $ workon django_cradmin $ DJANGOENV=test python manage.py test django_cradmin